Ebony Weston is in pursuit of reforming what it means to be a modern-day woman who leads in various areas of life. She is known as an empowerment teacher, intercessor, and prophetic voice to her community and people she’s assigned to. In 2020, the Lord led her to begin a prayer network that has been empowering, liberating, and equipping people throughout the United States. Ebony is also a wife and mother who believes a successful home is predicated on balance, time, memories and how much you incorporate God.
With a degree in Psychology, Education, and an Advanced Certificate in Building Leadership, she aspires to equip, train and teach individuals in this generation and the generation to come how to live beyond what they can physically see. In her book Haze to Clarity, Ebony shares ways on how you can pivot from times of uncertainty to manifested promises. “Learn to seize the moment by discerning your season.” Ebony says.